Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our Furry Friends

We adopted Skeeter, an unique combination of poodle, australian shepherd, & cocker spaniel mix breed dog from the Encinitas Humane Society in November 2006. My daughter has been wanting a husky mix to add to our family. And we found just the right one last week. His name is Kit and he is absolutely beautiful. We call him Kit Kat! It was like he was made for our family and fit right in. Now Skeeter has a buddy to play with and keep him company. We thank Kit's former family for letting us add him to our family.

An Afternoon Visit With Friends

Here are some pictures taken by a great friend who is a fantastic photographer/artist. Notice the beautiful textures and contrasts she captures on lens of our homestead through windows, cattails, and trees leaves. At the end of the wonderful visit her daughter helped collect eggs from our 12 chickens (5 Barred Rocks, 5 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Silkies).

What a fun afternoon!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Early Morning on Our Ranch

I took some pictures today of the early morning hours here on the ranch with fog surrounding our mountaintop, fresh dewdrops clinging to the leaves and grasses. This is our old fashioned with mindwill which is still working to pump fresh water from our flowing stream through a thriving living pond which is an amazing ecosystem all to its self. Next is a picture of the old barn in the process of being restored to it former glory.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hi, welcome to my new blog! It is under construction...stay tuned!